👋 I’m Riccardo Coppola. I write code
I am a passionate, detail oriented Team Lead and Full Stack JavaScript developer with over 10 years industry experience, extensive knowledge of DevOps practices and Agile methodologies.
Passionate about testing, workflow automation, code reusability and team dynamics; I focus on writing state of art, highly maintainable web applications using best practices, design patterns and performance testing, following a TDD/BDD approach.
I have hands-on experience in building cross-functional teams on site and in distributed environments. Strong believer in the value of productivity as a result of highly efficient workflows, I can happily act as developer advocate to help remove obstacles and enable developers to increase velocity.
You can usually find me at the React London Meetup or the London Node User Group.
Oh, I also sometimes blog about development, testing, agile methodologies, psychology of teamwork and other stuff.
I ❤️ what I do